Big congrats to Noah Bahnson, and Chris Geiler, who took second and third overall at the US National Championships. Noah and Chris were both flying the Squirrel C-RACE. Noah received his C-RACE in Chicago during the competition and put approximately zero practice jumps on it before winning the first speed round and immediately moving to the top of the ranking, where he stayed until the formidable Mr. Mickle unseated him by only three-tenths of a point. It is also worth pointing out that Noah led the winning acrobatics team - a feat that speaks to his seemingly limitless talent in a wingsuit.
Honorable mention goes to Todd Davis and Per Bjorn Poulsen, both PPC newcomers, who made the top ten overall flying their C-RACEs.
Thanks to everyone who has supported the C-RACE in these early stages. As the sea-change continues in wingsuit competition, our early supporters are valued highly.