The ATC is the first suit to truly span the gap between “big” and “small”, while flying comfortably in both categories. It has enough performance to fly a formation with FREAKs, yet it’s small and nimble enough to flock easily with SWIFTs and FUNKs. This new design is intended for any pilot who wants a “small” suit with extra range and speed. Our team pilots agree that this "mini-FREAK" has surprising performance for its size.
Although it is in the same range of total surface area as the FUNK, the ATC has more speed and glide. Real-world example: the ATC can be flown together with FREAKs. At the same time, it is easy to fly together with smaller suits.
Like all of our newest designs, the ATC benefits from the technical advances made during the C-RACE development over the past two years. The same low-drag compression inlets and profile/planform research that took Squirrel pilots to the top of every major competition in the past two years are contained in the ATC.
We’re very excited about this new concept and we’d like to thank our team pilots who helped us develop it. What started as powerful work tool for pro pilots has turned into a highly versatile suit that will appeal to any wingsuit pilot of beginner-intermediate ability and up. The ATC’s power and range will surprise you!
The Freestyle Airfoil Cross Section is an option for the ATC.